Saturday, December 6, 2008

here are a few great links!

First off...I am shocked at myself for not mentioning Sustainable Dave yet!  He is partially what helped me kick start my attempts at green living!  For those of you who don't know who Sustainable Dave is, he is a man who made a new years resolution not to throw away any trash for a whole year.  (Sadly his journey is almost over) but I am sure he will continue to have lots of wisdom to share with us!  Yes, he hasn't thrown any thing away for a year but part of the whole thing is to reduce the amount of trash he makes in the first place.  I am sometimes bad at explaining things so its best to just go check him out your self! :) and

And since its xmas time and time to pull out the ol' xmas lights here's a great link for those of you who are finding yourselves with sets of xmas lights that don't work any more.  Recycle them and get 15% off a purchase of new LED xmas lights.

Another random thing that can be recycled is blue jeans!  Been stashing old jeans in the closet that are falling apart but you just can't seem to get rid of?  Get rid of the clutter and recycle your jeans!  This website takes blue jeans and recycles them into insulation for homes!

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