Sunday, January 10, 2010

get fresh!

My "no impact as much as possible" month of january is going ok. It was a slow start...the first couple of days I didn't do anything differently but now when I have to go grocery shopping and stuff I actually stop and think about the things I'm purchasing. I guess the biggest thing I'm focusing on, since its an obvious harm to the environment and the solution is easy, is cutting plastic out as much as possible. The first time I went grocery shopping it was tough because everything I "needed" to buy was wrapped in plastic. I was finally able to go to the farmers market today and was excited that I was able to buy a head of ice berg lettuce there because it ment that (not only was it local) but it wasn't wrapped in plastic! I'm able to get all my other fruits and veggies at the grocery store with out any plastic but the lettice is always wrapped in it so I was excited to buy some non-plastic lettuce today! I saw Beth's video from Fake Plastic Fish about all the plastic she consumed last year so I've decided to keep tract of all my plastic consumption during January and compare it each week to see if by the end of the month its a smaller amount then at the start of the month.

I definitely have still been doing stuff that has impact :/ but like for example there have been several times when I was tired or busy and was SO close to driving to mcdonalds, etc to get food and stopped and thought about it and was able to talk myself out of it due to the impact it would have on the environment and every time that happened I went home and ended up eating a super nutrisious and FRESH meal, which was always so much more enjoyable then scafing down greasy, fatty fast food! Or every time I am tempted to buy a bag of those delicous morsals of chocalte that are each wrapped in its individual wrapping. I may REALLY want that chocolate but its silly to buy them with all the waste that is created from their individual wrappers :/

I've been lucky enough to have the time every day to think of different changes I can make to my life that is better for the environment. I haven't had a chance to implement all these changes but at least I'm coming up with the ideas and getting a concrete plan to prepare myself for them so maybe they will stick!

My latest obsession has been bees! I don't have any more time to write about it at this moment. I thought, being out of school, I'd have more time to blog about my efferts but alas with a broken computer, working an extra 15 hours and trying to rid my life of all my junk on my 2 days off leaves me with very little time to come here and write but maybe within the next couple of days I can write about my new obsession with bees! <3

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